Hugh J. Andersen Foundation Grant

The Hugh J. Andersen Foundation aims to contribute to the community by supporting initiatives that enhance inclusivity, equality, and increase human independence, self-sufficiency, and dignity. As a grantmaker, innovator, and convener, the Foundation is dedicated to these focused efforts aligned with the Andersen Family values of community service, responsible citizenship, and neighborly care.

Type of Support


The Foundation prioritizes asset-based programs that are created, initiated, supported, or staffed by the communities they aim to benefit, focusing on building individual and community capacities. Such programs are driven internally, as opposed to being need-based services implemented by external parties. The primary geographic focus is the St. Croix Valley, including specific counties in Minnesota and Wisconsin, but programs in St. Paul, Minnesota and other parts of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area may be considered based on unique criteria. The Foundation's programmatic interests include direct service initiatives that serve children and youth through personal development activities, provide social support services, grant access to health-related services and information, and offer educational opportunities and enrichment. Special consideration is given to programs within public schools, for individuals with disabilities, for seniors, and public/civic projects within its geographic focus area.


Organization's Location
elit Lorem
Program Location
do labore ad eiusmod incididunt occaecat minim reprehenderit ex sint
Organization Type
Aliqua in incididunt ullamco incididunt nostrud
Veniam consectetur esse dolor Lorem


Culpa magna nostrud veniam deserunt aliqua Lorem amet eiusmod non est
Velit ut ex laborum irure deserunt dolor ex aute cillum
Sint esse
Occaecat velit
Deserunt duis non
Adipisicing pariatur aute
Deserunt irure consequat culpa commodo commodo
Quis irure irure nulla
Sint fugiat elit
Ex tempor
Sit ad tempor consequat
Aliqua anim
Esse commodo anim fugiat enim anim enim consequat
Dolore nostrud id ex labore enim sint ea
Occaecat dolor exercitation adipisicing ipsum
not specified


Step 1: nisi cillum enim
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: eu amet (id dolore)

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