Robert J. Sullivan Fund for Bradford County

From Community Foundation for the Twin Tiers

The mission of the Floyd “Vic” Hooker Youth Fund is to carry on Vic Hooker's legacy by supporting the youth in Tioga County, New York.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on projects that address the most significant needs and concerns within the Bradford County, PA, community. It favors initiatives that are creative, preventative, and capable of maximizing the impact of modest grant amounts. Proposals expected to perform well under this program should ideally involve cooperation or collaboration among different program providers, reflecting a preference for projects that demonstrate foresight and innovation in addressing community needs.


Organization's Location
Program Location
PA (Bradford County)
Organization Type


Capital as defined by bricks and mortar
Annual campaigns, programs, projects, and event sponsorships
Multi-year requests
Debt reduction
Sectarian religious purposes
Clubs, sponsorship of sports teams, fire companies, cemeteries, or services limited to select membership
Grants or loans to individuals
Scholarships, fellowships, honorary awards, or travel grants (except as provided via donor-established scholarship funds managed by high schools and colleges)
up to 7.6k


Visit Apply for more information.

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