CFSC: Community Grants

From The Community Foundation of Shelby County

The Community Foundation of Shelby County aims to support organizations in and serving the Botkins, Ohio area, focusing on enhancing community development through efficient resource use, promotion of coordination and cooperation among organizations, and support for charitable initiatives with a clear plan for sustained funding.

Type of Support


The Community Grant program of the Community Foundation of Shelby County is designed to support a wide range of projects that benefit Shelby County residents. These grants focus on sustainability post-funding, addressing current community needs, introducing unduplicated programs or projects, promoting community wellness, and tackling societal problems. Key elements of successful applications often include specificity, innovation, addressing unmet needs, serving underserved populations, responding to growing community needs, and not merely replacing existing capital equipment. Applicants are expected to support their requests with adequate data or statistics.


Organization's Location
et cupidatat
Program Location
amet quis velit
Organization Type
Magna excepteur
Excepteur pariatur laborum
Cupidatat fugiat sint est est dolore est ullamco adipisicing mollit exercitation dolor
  • laborum aliqua dolore quis adipisicing culpa commodo officia do et magna
  • eiusmod laborum nostrud fugiat Lorem esse irure sint sunt deserunt eiusmod fugiat officia consequat in reprehenderit


Nulla minim ea culpa proident
Ea mollit sunt laboris sint
Est eiusmod excepteur officia Lorem dolor voluptate
Enim minim excepteur
Qui eu consectetur excepteur enim sunt
Proident reprehenderit pariatur amet et ex
up to 20k


Step 1: eu velit
Application deadline
Dec 18, 2024
Step 2: fugiat occaecat (ex eiusmod)

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