CFSC: Louise Sheets Fund Grants

From The Community Foundation of Shelby County

The Community Foundation of Shelby County aims to support organizations in and serving the Botkins, Ohio area, focusing on enhancing community development through efficient resource use, promotion of coordination and cooperation among organizations, and support for charitable initiatives with a clear plan for sustained funding.

Type of Support


The grant program from the Community Foundation of Shelby County, specifically the Louise Sheets Fund, is designed to fund initiatives within the geographic boundaries of the Botkins, Ohio School District that benefit a broad spectrum of residents. The program supports projects that:

  • Encourage efficient use of community resources while promoting coordination, cooperation, and sharing among organizations to avoid duplicating services.
  • Include a robust plan for securing ongoing financial support once grant funds are expended.
  • Are run by organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status or not-for-profit organizations conducting charitable projects that are registered as Ohio nonprofit corporations. Consideration is also given to those without a 501(c)(3) status if they apply through a fiscal agent.
  • Consider projects requiring multiple-year funding as well as small grant requests.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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