Rural West-Central Texas- Volunteer Fire Department Grants

From Community Foundation of Abilene

Our goal is to make our community a better place to live by partnering with compassionate people. We aim to bring donors’ philanthropic vision to life through building endowments that enrich the quality of life in Abilene and surrounding areas. Since 1985, we have awarded more than $100 million in grants to support charitable causes.

Type of Support


The Community Foundation of Abilene offers a special grant cycle for volunteer fire departments (VFDs) in the West-Central Texas region, recognizing the critical role VFDs play in rural communities, especially during devastating wildfire seasons. The grant aims to provide VFDs with additional support for purchasing safety and firefighting equipment to better serve and protect rural communities. Priority funding areas include personal protective equipment, communication devices, safety and firefighting equipment, training for medical and firefighting techniques, trucks (partial funding), and capital/building needs.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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5k – 25k


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