Perry & Ruby Stevens Charitable Foundation Grant

From Perry & Ruby Stevens Charitable Foundation

The Perry and Ruby Stevens Foundation, established in January 2006 by Ruby Stevens in line with her husband Perry Stevens' wishes, aims to provide assistance to qualified non-profit organizations. It focuses on supporting a diverse range of charitable purposes, including aiding disabled or physically abused individuals, promoting volunteer firefighting, assisting victims of natural disasters, animal welfare, and tackling Parkinson's disease, among others, to create meaningful impact within various communities in need.

Type of Support


The grant provided by The Perry and Ruby Stevens Foundation is designed to support non-profit organizations directing their efforts towards a variety of causes. These causes include support for mentally or physically disabled persons, assistance for abused or neglected women, development of volunteer firefighting programs, aid for natural disaster victims, animal welfare, Parkinson’s disease research and treatment, support for the elderly with financial needs, and general assistance for individuals suffering from diseases. The Foundation emphasizes specific goals and objectives within these areas and requires non-profits to have at least three years of operating history to be considered. The overarching goal of the grant program is to ensure that all legitimate requests for funding that align with the Foundation's broad charitable purposes and guidelines are given fair consideration.


Organization's Location
adipisicing proident
Program Location
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Organization Type
Labore proident dolore incididunt incididunt labore
Consequat sint anim magna id nisi ea ut
  • incididunt ex amet enim minim consequat occaecat


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Duis esse ea amet aliquip est aute velit sunt eiusmod minim irure
Sint occaecat laboris velit est amet minim ea velit excepteur officia ut magna eiusmod qui consequat esse sint sit
4k – 500k


Step 1: quis quis deserunt
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: est quis (consequat ex)

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