Albert E. and Myrtle Gunn York Trust Grant

From Albert E. and Myrtle Gunn York Trust

To benefit the citizens of Victoria, Texas through grants aimed at supporting religious purposes, higher education, fine arts, performing arts, assistance to the elderly, and fostering the intellectual and physical development of young boys and girls.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on empowering organizations within various sectors such as arts, culture, and humanities; education; health; human services; and religion. It specifically targets causes or projects that serve the city and county of Victoria, Texas, aligning with the donor’s wishes to concentrate support in this geographic area.


Organization's Location
ut sint
Program Location
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Organization Type
Excepteur esse voluptate occaecat ea dolor
  • est nostrud tempor excepteur Lorem velit adipisicing cupidatat in ipsum culpa
  • ullamco ex proident eiusmod commodo ad quis eiusmod ut est cupidatat veniam ut officia id laboris aliqua laboris magna ad aliqua aute voluptate duis elit esse cupidatat est voluptate ad adipisicing dolor officia esse do ipsum id


10k – 25k


Visit Apply for more information.

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