Fox Cares Foundation Grant

From Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region

We strengthen our community for current and future generations by helping people make a difference in the lives of all.

Type of Support


The Fox Cares Foundation Grant program operates with the broad goal of supporting nonprofit organizations that address critical community needs within three primary areas of focus:

  1. Homelessness - The grant supports emergency shelter programs, temporary or transitional housing solutions complemented by counseling and educational services aimed at empowering individuals towards self-sufficiency, and other initiatives designed to assist those facing homelessness.

  2. Hunger and Food Insecurity - This area includes supporting projects that enhance food access for vulnerable populations facing economic hardships, addiction, mental health challenges, or other life obstacles. Specific programs like mobile pantries and food storage improvements are notable examples.

  3. Arts - The foundation aims to foster community engagement through the arts, particularly focusing on projects that involve children, underrepresented groups, and endeavors that promote broad community participation. It supports arts programs aimed at improving academic and cognitive skills among youth and initiatives that use art as a tool for community building.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, with decisions made quarterly, ensuring an ongoing opportunity for nonprofits to receive support for their critical work in these areas.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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