Coralville Community Fund Grant

    From Community Foundation of Johnson County

    Central to the work of the Community Foundation is our ability to connect those who care with those in need through our granting programs.

    Type of Support


    The grant program supports a wide variety of causes, aiming to benefit the community of Coralville through financial support to local nonprofit projects. The fund awards grants with a maximum request amount of $10,000 and limits organizations to one application each. It emphasizes long-term, sustainable support for future charitable endeavors within Coralville.


    Organization's Location
    mollit laborum
    Program Location
    pariatur sint qui
    Organization Type
    Reprehenderit reprehenderit ex esse amet mollit
    Do minim


    Sit officia eiusmod deserunt ullamco
    Cillum laboris nulla pariatur culpa
    Deserunt sit cillum et
    Eu nisi eu culpa exercitation sint
    Cillum et cupidatat non aliquip
    Ut duis officia dolore ut magna eu incididunt proident cillum officia cillum exercitation amet esse ut
    Quis eu do officia duis voluptate ut quis amet
    up to 10K


    Required Attachments
    ullamco exercitation

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