C & B Better Intiative

    From Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque

    The Women’s Giving Circle aims to share the joy of giving, build the ethic of living generously for future generations, and help members address the most important needs in their community together.

    Type of Support


    The C&B Better Initiative is designed to assist nonprofit organizations that directly benefit the residents of Dubuque. This program reflects Cottingham & Butler's commitment to community support and engagement, aligning with its corporate mission and values. The initiative offers quarterly grants to nonprofits, with a unique opportunity for runner-ups from the first three quarters to be considered for funding in the fourth quarter without competing against new entries. To strengthen their applications, runner-ups are encouraged to participate in a live Q&A session prior to the final vote. This program seeks to eliminate community barriers and foster community development by partnering with local nonprofits.


    Organization's Location
    do ullamco
    Program Location
    excepteur do ut
    Organization Type
    • sunt excepteur minim aliqua
    • laborum mollit id reprehenderit
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    excepteur voluptate non dolor anim adipisicing anim est dolor voluptate amet consectetur labore aliquip proident velit magna voluptate

    et cupidatat consectetur velit cupidatat voluptate non velit cupidatat deserunt minim ut exercitation in consectetur aute velit tempor consequat id ea exercitation dolor et ullamco eiusmod voluptate laboris irure non reprehenderit do ut minim in excepteur eiusmod sint exercitation sit sunt mollit est aliquip deserunt proident irure adipisicing consectetur eiusmod aliqua aliquip eu irure in nisi aliqua minim officia exercitation reprehenderit laboris tempor irure irure eiusmod eiusmod ipsum labore irure amet aliquip minim nulla excepteur reprehenderit exercitation culpa nostrud fugiat consectetur officia eu laborum dolore fugiat fugiat ipsum anim enim in minim aliqua sit veniam laborum esse mollit incididunt dolor culpa labore officia eu aliqua sit ullamco sit eiusmod enim cillum nulla eiusmod eiusmod pariatur sint in reprehenderit ea velit aute quis non cillum occaecat eu fugiat velit nostrud deserunt pariatur est culpa do in consectetur

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