CFGDM: Strategic Alignment Grants

From Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines

Improve quality of life for all by promoting charitable giving, connecting donors with causes they care about and providing leadership on important community issues

Type of Support


The Strategic Alignment Grant Program by The Community Foundation is designed to fund the exploration and/or implementation of strategic alignment strategies among two or more organizations. This initiative aims to tackle community issues or opportunities, enhance operations or programming alignment, or deepen partnerships. The program supports collaborative efforts that strive for increased effectiveness and efficiency in service provision and community impact. Examples of projects suitable for this grant include exploration of shared staffing, facilitated dialogues for potential mergers, and collective planning to address community challenges. The program contrasts with Capacity Building grants, indicating a focus on external collaboration over internal planning. Funding of up to $25,000 is available for eligible projects.


Organization's Location
non duis
Program Location
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Organization Type
Non occaecat nisi consectetur sint in ipsum


Duis sint nulla amet ipsum labore consequat anim
Fugiat Lorem nisi enim officia eiusmod
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Cupidatat elit aliquip Lorem aute sit in culpa eu enim Lorem excepteur aute sunt fugiat
up to 25k


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