Kuyper Foundation Grant

    From Peter H. and E. Lucille Gaass Kuyper Foundation

    The Peter H. and E. Lucille Gaass Kuyper Foundation continues the legacy of the founders by keeping in mind the “desire for service to humanity and God” and the family’s interest in and support of Central College.

    Type of Support


    The grant program focuses on supporting public charities, educational institutions, and city/state organizations. It primarily serves needs within Pella and its adjoining communities, with funding amounts ranging from $5,000 to $50,000. These grants are designed to cover no more than 25% of a project's total costs.


    Organization's Location
    esse qui
    Program Location
    nulla ea cupidatat minim reprehenderit veniam aliqua labore dolor
    Organization Type
    Anim adipisicing reprehenderit magna
    Laboris cillum
    Aute aute
    • minim consectetur Lorem adipisicing nulla consectetur minim nostrud


    Pariatur Lorem qui non cillum anim veniam
    5K – 50K


    Contact info
    aute laboris consequat proident culpa magna aute aliqua voluptate non esse elit ea laborum

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