HealthConnect Innovation Grants

The Mid-Iowa Health Foundation aims to ensure that central Iowans can access what they need to live healthy lives. They lead and invest in initiatives to promote health equity, focusing on social, economic, and environmental conditions that influence well-being. The foundation is committed to supporting efforts that are informed by communities most impacted, targeting system change, and addressing social determinants of health with an emphasis on economic health and well-being.

Type of Support


The grant program from Mid-Iowa Health Foundation, known as HealthConnect, focuses on creating opportunities and reducing social barriers to ensure healthy development for the community's most vulnerable children and youth. It aims to address disparities across health outcomes that are influenced by factors beyond individual choice. The grant supports projects that target system change and address at least one social determinant of health such as housing quality and stability, food security, family and community connections, quality education, neighborhood safety, physical and mental healthcare, stable employment, and overall economic health. Projects should drive toward health equity and be informed by the communities most impacted. Applications are by invitation only, but pre-applications are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed quarterly.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Cillum laboris
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