Community Foundation of Fort Dodge and United Way: Special Project Grants

    From United Way And Community Foundation Of Greater Fort Dodge

    The Fort Dodge Community Foundation is committed to building strong and vibrant communities in the greater Fort Dodge region. It aims to make the area a great place to live, work, play, and raise families. The foundation supports nonprofits contributing to the community's quality of life, emphasizing making grant awards for projects aligned with community opportunities and needs.

    Type of Support


    The Special Project Grants by the Fort Dodge Community Foundation are designed to support charitable projects and programs that serve a public purpose. These grants, including "pass-through" funds, aim to support projects that are charitable in nature. The grants back the foundation’s principles of enriching the quality of life for all, supporting the common good, enhancing economic vitality, and advancing community betterment. The grantmaking priorities span a wide range of causes such as economic growth, recreation, human services, family well-being, education, literacy, youth development, health, public safety, social and cultural advancement, historical preservation, fine arts, community events, parks and green spaces, environment, emergency needs, support for women and children in emergencies, aiding the underprivileged, and community capacity building.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    not specified


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