Nebraska Medical Center Charitable Giving Requests

    From Nebraska Medical Center

    Nebraska Medicine aims to support non-profit organizations that serve underserved or vulnerable populations, focus on leading causes of death in the community, or meet the needs of their patients, with an emphasis on aligning with current community health improvement initiatives.

    Type of Support


    The grant program prioritizes funding for organizations that focus on specific health areas such as Diabetes, Mental Health, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Weight, and Prenatal Health and Infant Mortality. It also supports causes that directly benefit its patient population or are dedicated to serving underserved or vulnerable groups, aligning with community health improvement efforts.


    Organization's Location
    fugiat aliqua
    Program Location
    non labore ullamco labore exercitation consequat velit quis non amet
    Organization Type
    Est laborum irure qui enim est
    • dolore exercitation cillum non eiusmod in exercitation esse occaecat ut cillum enim magna excepteur nulla id


    Ad sunt ipsum labore eiusmod ex laboris cupidatat ea id magna
    Proident fugiat et anim duis velit ut
    Esse Lorem eu et excepteur tempor dolore duis
    Occaecat exercitation velit est aliquip
    Ad commodo culpa adipisicing sit aute
    Dolor incididunt exercitation laboris id ullamco irure consectetur Lorem magna
    Reprehenderit eu et Lorem enim sit commodo laborum id
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.

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