CFDRR: Agency Emergency Fund

From The Community Foundation Of The Dan River Region

The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region aims to address various social, educational, cultural, and charitable needs within the Dan River Region, which encompasses Danville/Pittsylvania County to South Boston/Halifax County and neighboring North Carolina counties. Established in 1996 by local civic leaders, the Foundation supports this mission through grants funded by earnings on its endowment assets to nonprofit organizations throughout the region.

Type of Support


The Agency Emergency Fund provides one-time assistance to nonprofit agencies in Danville, Pittsylvania County, Caswell County, and Halifax County that have prior grant experience with The Community Foundation. Grants of up to $25,000 are available no more than once in a five-year period. The program focuses on emergency grant requests deemed time-sensitive and unpredictable, aiming to support short-term urgent funding needs caused by unforeseen events significantly interrupting essential services. Priority is given to organizations capable of responding effectively to emergencies, presenting sensible recovery and financial plans, meeting documented needs in the Dan River Region, and covering expenses likely reimbursed by insurance later.


Organization's Location
ullamco incididunt
Program Location
commodo esse fugiat velit dolore et sint amet
Organization Type
Non deserunt pariatur
  • eiusmod id fugiat ea deserunt eiusmod incididunt tempor sit


Ullamco labore occaecat nisi cillum aute ex elit tempor
Sit deserunt reprehenderit fugiat
Ea Lorem velit fugiat adipisicing deserunt voluptate amet cupidatat exercitation exercitation
Occaecat enim veniam nostrud
Ullamco laborum
Sunt exercitation nulla velit magna
Nulla excepteur ad
up to 25k


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