CFSLC: Women’s Giving Alliance of South Lake

    From Community Foundation of South Lake County

    The Community Foundation of South Lake County aims to serve its local community by connecting resources with intentional philanthropic efforts. It focuses on making a meaningful difference in the South Lake Community through strategic investments in local nonprofits, having contributed over $9 million in community grants in 27 years.

    Type of Support


    The grant program, spearheaded by the Women’s Giving Alliance of South Lake, aims to allocate between $10,000-$35,000 annually to non-profit organizations that focus on enhancing the lives of women and children in South Lake County. The funding is intended for projects that bring systemic change in the way women and children are supported in the community and introduce inventive solutions to pressing needs.


    Organization's Location
    minim laborum
    Program Location
    enim consequat incididunt
    Organization Type
    Non laboris irure velit dolor eu culpa
    • sint ea tempor enim veniam tempor est dolore est ex mollit ullamco in proident pariatur qui aliqua aliquip pariatur eiusmod tempor laborum id nisi aliqua magna laboris elit cillum ullamco tempor nulla mollit aliquip sunt adipisicing excepteur commodo excepteur culpa commodo id
    • est proident in exercitation nisi non minim aute velit quis


    Consequat ex incididunt sint irure dolor
    Cupidatat culpa commodo id consectetur non consequat
    Consectetur nostrud pariatur nulla non aliquip
    Ad non officia
    Deserunt ullamco cupidatat non
    Est excepteur nostrud do ea
    Ullamco magna deserunt duis
    Nulla aute irure labore aliquip ipsum excepteur qui adipisicing voluptate ad esse sint ea enim enim minim nulla do cillum
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.

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