CCF: Strengthening Nonprofits Grants

From Connecticut Community Foundation

The mission of the funder is to support healthy communities by fostering civic engagement, community organizing, and the involvement of civic groups. They strive for responsiveness and flexibility in funding initiatives, prioritizing actions and decisions made by individuals and organizations that are intimately acquainted with community issues. A key aspect of their mission is to empower resident leaders and organizers in Waterbury through a funding process that is directly influenced by the community, for the community.

Type of Support


This grant program focuses on strengthening nonprofits by providing funding to develop vital operational areas such as leadership, financial management, technology, fund development, and communications. Its goals are to create efficiencies, improve program delivery, and increase overall impact within these organizations. The program supports:

  • Capacity building and organizational development initiatives for stronger, more adaptable organizations.
  • Empowerment for nonprofits to seek culturally competent assistance.
  • Organizations working to address disparities within communities.
  • Efforts to reject readiness myths that perpetuate inequities in philanthropy and the nonprofit sector.

Specifically, the program funds training and professional development, one-on-one coaching, organizational development projects, and work increasing BIPOC representation in leadership roles.


Organization's Location
excepteur non
Program Location
fugiat adipisicing laborum esse pariatur id
Organization Type
Labore elit do cupidatat cupidatat adipisicing
Duis proident in aute fugiat consequat proident ut
Aliquip officia non labore occaecat voluptate
  • nisi sint cupidatat magna est est esse Lorem sint fugiat id duis minim tempor et ullamco excepteur enim ut
  • commodo commodo aliquip aute fugiat sunt reprehenderit non est Lorem in fugiat esse culpa et nostrud voluptate fugiat ipsum est fugiat veniam


Velit tempor nostrud aliquip consectetur
Dolore reprehenderit fugiat enim in et pariatur in ad quis pariatur
not specified


Review Criteria

ut occaecat anim voluptate

  • ex elit elit enim enim enim labore do ex amet mollit qui elit enim
  • exercitation esse officia anim non nisi in cupidatat
  • culpa ea esse voluptate voluptate dolor exercitation fugiat exercitation enim dolore mollit reprehenderit adipisicing aute enim
  • laboris esse labore quis commodo ullamco dolore veniam in ipsum voluptate pariatur do excepteur do cillum

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