Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation Fund Grants

From Dekalb County Community Foundation

The DeKalb County Community Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life in DeKalb County by proactively addressing community needs through strategic grantmaking.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to fund specific music education projects led by nonprofit organizations, mainly within Illinois. It is structured to provide one-time awards for projects to be completed within a year, encouraging applications from organizations that do not seek repetitive funding for the same project. The emphasis is on projects that demonstrate collaboration, address unmet music education needs among underserved populations, enhance organizational cooperation, and effectively leverage additional funds or in-kind support. Priority is given to applicants that can significantly impact music education within Illinois, with some consideration for those in the greater Chicagoland area if resources allow. Applicants must be mindful of the grant cycle restrictions, ensuring that requests for funding are well planned and justified within their project budgets.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Preferred locations: IL, All eligible locations: IL, IN (Jasper County, Lake County, Newton County, Porter County), WI (Kenosha County)
Organization Type
School Districts
Higher Education Departments
501(c)(3) organizations (e.g., PTO, Music Booster Club)
  • Located in or serving DeKalb County, Illinois
  • Applicants from the greater Chicagoland area outside Illinois will be considered if funding is available
  • Each school building within school districts is eligible for one grant per two grant cycles or one grant per calendar year
  • Each department within a community college or university is eligible for one grant per two grant cycles or one grant per calendar year
  • Grant application must include a letter of support from the district office or school principal
  • The letter must include a narrative explaining how the project aligns with district strategic priorities and initiatives


Organizations that decline a prior grant award
Religious purposes (exceptions apply for programs consistent with FRWFF priorities)
Music performance unrelated to education
Purchase of advertising
Capital debt or operation debt reduction
Political campaign support or legislative influence efforts.
not specified


Review Criteria

Priority is extended to organizations with 501(c)3 status.

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