Arts Organizations: Arts Access Grant

From Delaware Division of the Arts

The Delaware Division of the Arts is a state agency committed to supporting the arts and cultivating creativity to enhance the quality of life in Delaware.

Type of Support


The Arts Access Grants program supports nonprofit organizations that provide occasional arts programs or those not meeting the criteria for General Operating Support and Project Support from the Delaware Division of the Arts. The program aims to fund arts projects that deliver artistic experiences of merit and integrity, foster collaborations that extend arts to diverse communities, and offer lifelong learning beyond traditional settings. It emphasizes reaching underserved audiences, supporting new works, and highlighting unique community histories and cultures through the arts. Projects are evaluated on artistic quality, accessibility, and management effectiveness, ensuring that they align with the program’s broad goals of enhancing public access to diverse and high-quality arts experiences.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Units of municipal, county, or state government
Nonprofit organizations based and chartered in Delaware
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) status
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(4) status
Organizations with IRS 509(a) status
  • Located within Delaware
  • Eligible to receive donations allowable as charitable contributions under Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
  • Managing an arts program that presents work by professional artists


Organizations receiving General Operating, StartUp, or Project Support from the Division of the Arts
Schools (unless the project is after school hours and open to the community)
Applications through fiscal agents
Individuals associated with the Delaware State Arts Council or Division staff applying on behalf of an organization
Activities granting academic credit
Activities outside Delaware
Fundraising-primary activities
Awards, cash prizes, donations
Bad debt
Building/renovating/remodeling projects
Capital expenditures and non-consumables over $3,000
Traditional circus and athletic activities
Contingency funds
Expenses outside grant period
Private entertainment
Exclusive participation or enjoyment projects
Sectarian or religious projects
Individual scholarships or research
Products/services not related to the artistic portion of an event or activity
up to 1.3k


Visit Apply for more information.