Denver Foundation: Climate Equity Fund

From The Denver Foundation

The Denver Foundation's mission is to inspire people and mobilize resources to strengthen the Denver community. As a community foundation, they manage a variety of funds and initiatives that aim to address the needs and improve the lives of the residents in the Denver area. The foundation focuses on building a more equitable and vibrant community through grantmaking, philanthropy, and community leadership.

Type of Support


The Climate Equity Fund is focused on supporting nonprofit organizations actively engaged in addressing climate change. These organizations must demonstrate their impact through clear metrics showing reduction in carbon emissions. Additionally, the fund prioritizes programs that not only fight climate change but also enhance the well-being of individuals, communities, and neighborhoods. Financial support from the fund ranges between $5,000 and $50,000.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Voluptate qui occaecat ut irure
5k – 30k


Review Criteria

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