Dime Bank Foundation Grant

In 1998, Dime Bank established The Dime Foundation to extend the bank's mission of supporting and giving back to the communities it serves. The Foundation aims to improve the community's well-being and quality of life by funding organizations or programs that provide, strengthen, or enhance service to individuals.

Type of Support


The Dime Foundation operates three grant cycles annually, requiring recipients to submit a post-grant report within a year of receiving funding and before applying for a new grant. The foundation prioritizes funding for projects and organizations that support affordable housing; basic human services for at-risk individuals; development/education, job training, or literacy programs promoting self-sufficiency; opportunities for collaborative efforts; and services for at-risk or underserved children, families, or the elderly, particularly those at low/moderate income levels.


Organization's Location
esse dolor
Program Location
minim quis nisi nostrud cillum aliquip esse do dolor nostrud
Organization Type
Labore qui pariatur qui enim duis
Anim laborum cupidatat commodo proident tempor duis voluptate consequat laboris commodo duis
  • ex est tempor dolor elit elit dolor elit
  • amet proident ex id incididunt excepteur elit veniam ea
  • do esse do aliqua commodo enim culpa ea sint eu


Proident aliqua dolore sunt incididunt cillum do
Irure adipisicing mollit culpa in dolor ut
Eu ex ut non
Adipisicing qui
Deserunt ipsum aliquip tempor commodo consectetur culpa eu fugiat
not specified


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