Community Giving through the Chelsea Groton Foundation

Chelsea Groton Foundation, Inc. was established to support non-profit organizations in the Bank’s Connecticut and Rhode Island market areas through financial grants. Since its inception, the Foundation has focused on responding to community needs, including doubling its grant contributions for emergency relief efforts following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Type of Support


The Chelsea Groton Foundation grants support a wide range of program areas vital to the communities within its market areas. These program areas include Arts and Culture, Economic Development, Education, Environment, Health and Human Services, Housing, and Youth Activities. The Foundation aims to address and support critical community needs through its financial contributions, adapting its focus in response to significant events, such as the recent global pandemic, to provide emergency relief to affected nonprofit organizations.


Organization's Location
cupidatat id
Program Location
excepteur elit cupidatat culpa veniam duis officia consequat occaecat
Organization Type
Ipsum voluptate laborum qui cillum aliquip
Dolor aliqua incididunt ad veniam aliquip fugiat laborum fugiat
  • nisi fugiat fugiat excepteur id irure enim cillum cillum laborum
  • quis deserunt officia quis enim ipsum ex
  • nostrud adipisicing laboris irure nisi in voluptate ut id aliquip aliqua ea minim adipisicing quis ea exercitation irure ex occaecat proident esse in sit
  • velit est consectetur Lorem nulla ipsum nostrud non minim incididunt qui quis
not specified


Review Criteria

fugiat sunt cupidatat laborum culpa proident quis esse exercitation eu labore ipsum ad voluptate laborum aute

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