EBCF: Community Donations

    From Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation

    Founded in 1818 and evolving from a modest savings bank to a full-service commercial bank, we aim to meet the financial needs of our community with $11 billion in assets and over 110 locations in eastern Massachusetts and southern and coastal New Hampshire. We're committed to delivering custom-tailored financial solutions conveniently, leveraging our size, stability, technology, and knowledge.

    Type of Support


    A Community Donation can support your organization in a variety of ways including program support and/or event sponsorship. Examples include:

    • Program Support (e.g., general operating or specific activities to serve your stakeholders, members, or clients)
    • Event Sponsorship (e.g., Gala, Dinner, Luncheon, Breakfast)


    Organization's Location
    reprehenderit labore
    Program Location
    cupidatat proident dolore pariatur id enim amet mollit sit adipisicing
    Organization Type
    Est nostrud dolor dolore voluptate id


    Duis esse
    Adipisicing irure ullamco ullamco excepteur
    Exercitation tempor minim excepteur
    100 – 10k


    Required Attachments
    quis amet
    qui eiusmod
    exercitation adipisicing
    Review Criteria

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