The Environmental Fund of Texas: Tier 1 - Grassroots / Startup

From The Environmental Fund of Texas

The Environmental Fund of Texas aims to preserve natural habitats, particularly those under critical threat, by fostering collaboration among organizations and funders. Established in 2017 by G.P. “Buzz” Avery and the Austin Community Foundation, their vision encompasses vibrant ecosystems and the protection of lands, waters, native plants, and animals across the state.

Type of Support


The Environmental Fund of Texas: Tier 1 - Grassroots / Startup grant targets grassroots organizations requiring funding for smaller-scale projects or start-up costs. Their funding priorities include water source protection (like rivers, lakes, aquifers), stewardship of natural areas (e.g., Blackland Prairie, Coastal estuaries), protection of native, at-risk wildlife and habitats, and environmental education/public engagement to connect people with nature and increase public action on conservation issues. These include a wide range of programs from native vegetation restoration, volunteer oyster gardening, invasive species removal, and development of rain gardens to educational initiatives that offer hands-on experiences in nature. The program emphasizes the significance of volunteer and community participation in all sponsored projects.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Located in Texas
  • In good standing with the IRS and with EFT
  • Primary mission is preserving the natural environment in Texas and related to EFT’s funding priorities
  • Multi-year grants available only at Tier 4 level of funding
  • May support land protection through purchases or conservation easements
  • Charitable, conservation advocacy consistent with Austin Community Foundation policies and Advisory Committee recommendations supported
  • Support from other NGO organizations and government entities through donations and/or in-kind services preferred


Organizations seeking funding for ongoing programming & organizational operating expenses/overhead
Staff salaries not connected to specific project implementation
Lobbying and political campaign activities
Creation or contribution to endowment funds
Projects primarily focused on the arts
Organizing fundraising events
Hosting or organizing conferences
Animal welfare/rehabilitation programs
Private foundations
Capital project undertakings
Development of educational websites/resources not tied to direct conservation efforts.
up to 2.5k


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