The Environmental Fund of Texas: Tier 3 - Scaling Up Impact

From The Environmental Fund of Texas

The Environmental Fund of Texas aims to preserve natural habitats, particularly those under critical threat, by fostering collaboration among organizations and funders. Established in 2017 by G.P. “Buzz” Avery and the Austin Community Foundation, their vision encompasses vibrant ecosystems and the protection of lands, waters, native plants, and animals across the state.

Type of Support


The Environmental Fund of Texas: Tier 3 - Collaborative Initiatives grant focuses on partnerships among organizations to achieve broader conservation goals than possible by single entities. The grant supports protection of water sources, stewardship of natural areas, preservation of native wildlife, and engagement in environmental education and public involvement. Its funding priorities include projects such as habitat restoration, water conservation initiatives, invasive species control, and community-based conservation education.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Located in Texas
  • In good standing with the IRS and with EFT
  • May apply for grant funding multiple times throughout the year
  • Multi-year grants available only through Tier 4 level of funding
  • We may consider requests to support land protection through fee simple purchases or the establishment of conservation easements
  • May support charitable, conservation advocacy consistent with Austin Community Foundation policies and the Fund's Advisory Committee recommendations
  • Collaborative grants require a separate application for each organization


EFT generally does not fund requests for the following: Ongoing programming & organizational operating expenses/overhead
Staff salaries that are not connected to implementation of a specific project
Lobbying and political campaigns
Endowment funds
Projects with arts as the focus
Fundraising events
Animal welfare/rehab programs
Private foundations
Capital projects
Educational websites/resources that are not linked to on-the-ground conservation.
up to 25k


Visit Apply for more information.

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