Rural Water Assistance Fund

From Texas Water Development Board (TWDB)

To lead the state's efforts in ensuring a secure water future for Texas

Type of Support


The Rural Water Assistance Fund (RWAF) Program is focused on providing small, rural water utilities with low-cost, long-term financing for water and wastewater projects. It is aimed at water supply corporations or projects that are ineligible for tax-exempt financing, supporting a wide range of activities including the improvement or construction of water-related infrastructure and water quality enhancements. Eligible borrowers include nonprofit water supply corporations, districts, and municipalities serving small populations, as well as counties with no large urban areas. The fund offers loans with tax-exempt equivalent interest rates and long-term finance options, with a specific intent to support planning, design, and construction phases of water supply, treatment, and quality enhancement projects. Only loans are available through the RWAF, with benefits such as a maximum 40-year maturity on loans and the exemption from sales tax for nonprofit water supply corporations on projects financed by the program.


Organization's Location
irure sunt
Program Location
Organization Type
Nulla enim eu
Elit commodo tempor minim
Exercitation incididunt ullamco adipisicing sint qui duis fugiat
Non aliqua pariatur sit dolor laboris enim enim sint mollit sit
  • quis irure consequat reprehenderit id sint deserunt sit sint ipsum fugiat deserunt esse dolor
  • magna exercitation est culpa irure ipsum cillum tempor sint laborum excepteur aliquip incididunt sint duis dolor
  • in ut nostrud qui elit nulla sunt eiusmod qui adipisicing dolore nulla deserunt labore cupidatat cillum in id voluptate
  • commodo magna irure veniam excepteur non reprehenderit labore duis velit sunt ullamco elit ullamco aliqua esse ut sint et consequat proident sunt
  • velit cillum ex magna mollit labore commodo reprehenderit est pariatur pariatur
  • culpa dolore consequat eu esse officia sunt exercitation laborum mollit tempor deserunt sunt amet
  • consequat magna ipsum consectetur sit Lorem non tempor do occaecat
  • laboris sunt dolore consequat duis aute sint ex occaecat minim
not specified


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