The Environmental Fund of Texas: Tier 4 - Multi-year Grants

From The Environmental Fund of Texas

The Environmental Fund of Texas aims to preserve natural habitats, particularly those under critical threat, by fostering collaboration among organizations and funders. Established in 2017 by G.P. “Buzz” Avery and the Austin Community Foundation, their vision encompasses vibrant ecosystems and the protection of lands, waters, native plants, and animals across the state.

Type of Support


The Environmental Fund of Texas: Tier 4 - Multi-year Grants program aims at extending support through multi-year commitments (up to 3 years) based on annual evaluations. It supports projects focused on the preservation of natural water sources and their watersheds, protection and stewardship of ecologically functional natural areas, protection and sustainability of native wildlife, and raising public awareness on environmental issues. The grant prioritizes water protection, natural area stewardship, native wildlife conservation, environmental education, and public engagement efforts that include hands-on experiences and strong evaluation components. These projects should aim at strategic preservation, invasive species removal, ecosystem restoration, community engagement in conservation, technical guidance for landowners, and environmental education that fosters a connection with nature and encourages conservation actions.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 50k


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