Samuels Foundation: Performing Arts Grant

The Foundation's health care program aims to enhance the health care and overall quality of life for the elderly in New York City, assessing its success by the positive changes seen in the lives of individuals.

Type of Support


The Samuels Foundation's Performing Arts Grant program for 2022-23 focuses on general operating support for not-for-profit dance, music, and theatre companies in New York City as they transition back towards pre-Covid production schedules and budgets. The grant guidelines emphasize support for organizations that produce and present high-quality work in dance, music, opera, and theatre. While the foundation primarily funds large-scale organizations of national and international importance, it also commits to a range of not-for-profit performing arts organizations across New York City. The foundation directs its support to established institutions capable of delivering traditional work, new creations, or a varied repertoire. Additionally, it offers grants to a very limited number of conservatory and development programs for young professionals in the performing arts. The foundation accepts proposals for general operating support and targeted creative projects or local season support, maintaining an open door policy for new applications within its guidelines, acknowledging the competitive nature of its funding process.


Organization's Location
ut consequat
Program Location
ut irure culpa reprehenderit consequat cillum proident irure ut labore
Organization Type
Id exercitation exercitation voluptate
Fugiat ad duis laboris labore quis
  • proident fugiat laboris cillum tempor magna aute ut deserunt cillum excepteur deserunt


Commodo occaecat incididunt pariatur pariatur
Deserunt ipsum
Magna mollit
Ad ex
Veniam exercitation
Enim sint aute pariatur est elit nostrud
Incididunt esse deserunt ullamco anim
Id ipsum
Ad voluptate
Cupidatat minim tempor sunt aliqua sint sint
Esse qui id labore
Reprehenderit enim
Sint non
Pariatur consectetur officia sit sit eiusmod cupidatat aliqua
not specified


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