Dorothy and Marshall M. Reisman Foundation Grant

    From Dorothy and Marshall M. Reisman Foundation

    The Dorothy and Marshall M. Reisman Foundation is a private foundation dedicated to the stewardship of funds entrusted to its care, committed to using its resources to enhance the quality of life primarily in the Central New York community.

    Type of Support


    The Dorothy and Marshall M. Reisman Foundation Grant supports qualifying 501(c)(3) organizations through proactive and unsolicited proposals. Grants are made primarily in the areas of arts, education, health, and human services, reflecting the foundation's broad goals of improving the quality of life and supporting specific needs within these sectors.


    Organization's Location
    consequat officia
    Program Location
    quis fugiat reprehenderit ullamco consequat id aute amet sint Lorem
    Organization Type
    • elit voluptate ea ullamco est officia irure velit pariatur
    up to 200K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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