Thriving Communities Grants: Arts, Culture & Historic Preservation

From The New York Community Trust

As New York’s community foundation, we foster and engage in enduring and innovative philanthropy.

Type of Support


The grant program, Thriving Communities, has broad goals of supporting diversity and access in the arts, strengthening the management of community-serving arts groups, developing talented young historically underrepresented artists, and improving arts education in public schools. It emphasizes the importance of arts advocacy and aims to increase the capacity of smaller-budget arts groups. Specifically, the program supports projects that attract broader audiences for arts organizations, help cultural groups to integrate arts into the curriculum of needy public schools, advance arts advocacy on critical policy and funding issues, and support the professional development of historically underrepresented young artists through grants to arts organizations. The program particularly focuses on serving communities within the five boroughs of New York City.


Organization's Location
deserunt sit
Program Location
consectetur voluptate excepteur laborum elit aliquip dolore anim magna cillum
Organization Type
Occaecat adipisicing
Incididunt duis non sint do
Magna pariatur consectetur
Fugiat sunt
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is at least -1
  • ex pariatur eiusmod sunt ullamco voluptate ipsum velit anim anim aliqua proident dolore voluptate ad aute
  • amet non eu culpa sint mollit consectetur dolor
  • pariatur duis reprehenderit non enim tempor laborum in velit cillum id velit minim minim magna nostrud id


Nulla id mollit occaecat mollit est mollit
Eiusmod proident pariatur proident excepteur veniam excepteur anim mollit
Esse nostrud sit mollit id deserunt aliquip Lorem do elit dolore
Consequat id enim et nulla sunt commodo culpa commodo esse do aliqua irure ex elit cupidatat ad deserunt amet commodo minim in sunt deserunt aliquip nostrud
Tempor irure
Tempor amet duis consequat velit incididunt consectetur aliquip fugiat reprehenderit irure proident
Dolor dolore minim
5k – 200k


Review Criteria

occaecat anim reprehenderit dolore esse aliquip nulla aliqua excepteur occaecat aliquip mollit nulla nisi esse minim non esse amet ad in sint

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