Thriving Communities Grants: Technical Assistance

From The New York Community Trust

As New York’s community foundation, we foster and engage in enduring and innovative philanthropy.

Type of Support


The grant program has two primary goals. The first is to support thriving communities by funding organizations that work towards affordable housing, equity in the arts, civic engagement, and environmental protection. This includes support for agencies operating at the neighborhood level as well as larger governmental and non-profit institutions developing overarching strategies. The second goal is the Technical Assistance program, which aims to enhance the management capacity of non-profits, thereby strengthening the sector. This involves advancing the skills of professionals within the public and non-profit service areas and supporting organizations that provide technical assistance to other non-profits.


Organization's Location
ut minim
Program Location
id reprehenderit ullamco non cupidatat ipsum consequat id fugiat exercitation
Organization Type
Fugiat magna
Amet eiusmod aute non pariatur
  • et ut commodo ullamco ea
  • reprehenderit excepteur duis adipisicing aute culpa anim ut est
  • sunt laborum aliqua dolore exercitation consequat ullamco laborum minim mollit
  • qui ex sit elit consectetur duis ad aute incididunt
  • eiusmod ipsum ullamco voluptate enim veniam elit proident commodo in id culpa ullamco pariatur
  • irure id consectetur ea quis aliquip qui


Amet esse aliqua aliqua
Cillum elit tempor exercitation
Ullamco ipsum
Quis officia consequat
5k – 200k


Visit Apply for more information.

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