The Staten Island Foundation is dedicated to creating a vibrant community by supporting initiatives that improve the lives of its residents, particularly those most disadvantaged. Their commitment spans across enhancing education, health, community services, and arts & culture in Staten Island, aiming to enrich the quality of life and ensure all community members can contribute positively and reach their full potential.
The grant program focuses on providing support across four main areas: Education, Health, Community Services, and Arts & Culture. Each focus area has targeted outcomes, such as improving academic achievements, increasing access to health services, supporting basic needs and job access for impoverished residents, and enhancing participation in arts and culture. The types of grants offered include Direct Service Grants, aimed at immediate improvements in lives; Capacity Building Grants, to enhance nonprofit effectiveness; Capital Improvement Grants, for physical asset enhancement; and Focused Opportunity Grants, for projects with powerful, yet limited in scope, impacts. All grant applications must propose initiatives that align with specific desired outcomes and demonstrate potential for measurable results.
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