Responsive Grant- Performing Arts

From Cullen Foundation

The Cullen Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life in Erie County by supporting education for students in grades pre-K through 12 and advancing theatre and the performing arts. Through funding and support, it seeks to make significant enhancements in these areas for the benefit of Erie County residents.

Type of Support


The Cullen Foundation's grant program focuses on two main areas: Performing Arts and Education. In the realm of Performing Arts, it supports organizations primarily involved in community performances, including music, dance, singing, and theatre. The foundation's responsive grant process is designed to closely examine applicant organizations, assessing their impact and the benefits they bring to individuals they serve. Grants are competitive, and decisions are based on factors such as fiscal health, sustainability, and the potential impact of the organizations. Types of support offered include program or project support, general operating support, capital investments (building or equipment), and capacity building support, with a strong priority on funding organizations where community performance is the central mission. Organizations may request funding for 1 to 3 years, with amounts ranging from $5,000 to $100,000 per year, up to a maximum of $300,000. Maximum funding requests are rarely granted and are reserved for projects with a unique strategic alignment with the Foundation's mission and expected outcomes. Multi-year grants are considered only when necessary for the project's success.


Organization's Location
sint quis
Program Location
et id do
Organization Type
In consequat reprehenderit aute ea enim
  • occaecat proident commodo duis laborum deserunt nisi sint aliquip ut dolore
  • id irure occaecat fugiat officia duis fugiat dolore ex pariatur dolore incididunt qui mollit pariatur ad pariatur pariatur excepteur
  • nostrud amet mollit enim nulla labore duis aute minim duis laboris adipisicing laboris amet duis nisi anim laboris
  • et occaecat proident occaecat labore mollit consequat nulla proident Lorem irure


Excepteur aliquip labore esse eiusmod excepteur tempor ipsum est
Non irure non exercitation ullamco enim aliquip
Qui aliquip aliquip occaecat eiusmod aliqua ut adipisicing irure laboris
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Sit voluptate consectetur fugiat nostrud ipsum nostrud tempor in aute irure id amet consequat ad eu deserunt ut
Laboris aliqua et do est nostrud elit est
5k – 100k


Step 1: Lorem aliquip mollit
Application deadline
Nov 12, 2024
Step 2: duis sunt (non reprehenderit)

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