Farrell Family Foundation Grants

From Farrell Family Foundation (FFF)

To contribute to the betterment of society through the support of education, health, human welfare, and the arts. The mission emphasizes promoting self-reliance, responsibility, and accountability in its contributions.

Type of Support


The Farrell Family Foundation (FFF) focuses on making impactful, measurable contributions to society, with a preference for matching funds to encourage recipient organizations to seek additional support. The grant program targets education (with a technology emphasis), health and human welfare, and the arts, aiming to assist underprivileged individuals reach their potential, improve societal well-being, and enhance cultural accessibility and education.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (San Diego County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations with the equivalent federal designation in another country
  • Located in San Diego County
  • Demonstrate competent management with a history of effective and cost-efficient results
  • Ability and willingness to measure and report results
  • Promote self-reliance, responsibility, and accountability
  • Levels of overhead expenses will be considered


Organizations seeking regular and ongoing operating support
Those applying for contingencies, deficits, or debt reduction
Applicants for capital works
Organizations with administrative costs over 10%.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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