The California Endowment Grant

The California Endowment’s mission is to expand access to affordable, quality health care for underserved individuals and communities and to promote fundamental improvements in the health status of all Californians.

Type of Support


The California Endowment's grant making is guided by our three bold ideas: People Power, Reimagining Institutions and a 21st Century Health System for All.

Funding may be given to organizations who address any of the following focus areas:

  • Health Systems: Poor health outcomes result from a continuing legacy of policies and practices both within communities and in the healthcare system itself, that discriminate, segregate, and exclude people from the resources and opportunities to be healthy.
  • Inclusive Community Development: The control and disposition of land, natural resources, labor, and capital intersect in place, and this conjuncture, as seminal drivers of community change, have resulted in gentrification, displacement, over-investment/disinvestment, environmental degradation, undesirable land use, and increased health inequities across California.
  • Schools: The school system’s failure to recognize its roots in white supremacy culture and complicity in reproducing harm in communities of color has led to persistently inequitable outcomes over generations and left a debt owed to those communities most deeply harmed.
  • Justice Reinvestment: A growing body of research has proven that contact with the justice system has a deleterious, intergenerational impact on the social determinants of health of individuals, families and communities.
  • Power Infrastructure: The power-building framework is based on an ecosystem of organizations building collective capacity and leveraging it to advance policy, systems change, or electoral campaigns to advance a shared agenda and build power.


Organization's Location
cupidatat et
Program Location
Organization Type
Aliqua consectetur sint
Ex consequat qui velit ea ullamco
Incididunt proident in nisi nisi deserunt minim duis esse nisi pariatur


Eiusmod magna id voluptate sunt duis voluptate dolor aliquip
Est fugiat veniam consectetur qui proident esse eu aute amet consectetur cupidatat deserunt adipisicing exercitation
Nisi adipisicing ipsum ut est amet cillum eiusmod ullamco amet
not specified


Step 1: sint ullamco
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: incididunt nostrud (incididunt pariatur)

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