Our vision is for every resident of California to enjoy good health and experience wellness. Our mission is to protect and improve the health and wellness of the people of California by increasing access to health care, quality education, good jobs, healthy environments, and safe neighborhoods. We aim to use our resources through grantmaking, investments, and partnerships to advance our mission, focusing on the needs of low-income individuals, people of color, youth, and residents of rural areas.
The grant program focuses on removing barriers to individual and community wellness, particularly through the "Advancing Wellness" grantmaking initiative. It supports organizations working to increase access to health care, advocate for quality education, fight for good jobs with fair wages and benefits, and ensure safe neighborhoods. The Equity in Access Fund emphasizes health care as a human right, aiming for high-quality universal health care while centering racial justice. The grant supports universal coverage and access to care, system transformation, and prioritizes communities of color, immigrants, and low-income groups, advocating for their health care and social service needs, including the rights of women to access comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care.