Our vision is for every resident of California to enjoy good health and experience wellness. Our mission is to protect and improve the health and wellness of the people of California by increasing access to health care, quality education, good jobs, healthy environments, and safe neighborhoods. We aim to use our resources through grantmaking, investments, and partnerships to advance our mission, focusing on the needs of low-income individuals, people of color, youth, and residents of rural areas.
The grant program aims to remove barriers to health and wellness by partnering with community organizations to implement more equitable processes and systems. It supports organizations increasing access to healthcare, advocating for quality education, and fighting for good jobs with fair wages. It also focuses on creating safe neighborhoods and addresses systemic barriers affecting wellness related to race, class, gender, disability, zip code, family history, immigration status, and past criminal justice system involvement. The Economic Security & Dignity Fund within this initiative seeks to advance economic well-being, especially for communities of color and low-income communities, focusing on reinforcing a social safety net ('strengthening the floor') and improving access to post-secondary education, good jobs with living wages ('eliminating the ceiling'), and wealth creation. Efforts also include support for workforce development, entrepreneurship for communities of color, low-income communities, and re-entry programs for women recently released from prison, alongside expanding access to safety-net income supports.