The FINRA Investor Education Foundation is dedicated to empowering underserved Americans by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary for making sound financial decisions throughout life. The Foundation prioritizes financial education and literacy, aiming to advance understanding and address financial inequities across diverse social groups.
The General Grant Program supports research and educational projects that focus on improving financial literacy, capability, and well-being among underserved populations in the U.S. It particularly seeks projects that leverage the National Financial Capability Study data to explore the dynamics of financial literacy and its impact on financial health. Projects that promote financial inclusion and tackle systemic financial inequalities are given priority, covering issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, disability status, and more. Grant amounts are generally under $100,000, with indirect costs capped at 10% of direct expenditures, and most projects are expected to be completed within 24 months. The program is interested in educational initiatives, research efforts, or a combination of both that can significantly enhance financial capability, investor education, and protection. Among its focal areas are improving disclosures to investors, checking the backgrounds of financial professionals, and preparing both young and older Americans for their financial future with particular attention to empowering women and minority populations.
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