Centene Foundation Event Sponsorships

    From Centene Charitable Foundation

    The Centene Charitable Foundation aims to transform the health of communities one person at a time, emphasizing inclusion, the whole person, and community development. It seeks a measurable impact through partnerships and philanthropy that invest in holistic approaches to dismantling health barriers, focusing on those relying on government-sponsored healthcare and addressing social determinants of health and health equity.

    Type of Support


    The Centene Charitable Foundation supports initiatives that prioritize inclusion, cater to the whole person, and aid in community development. The grant focuses on areas linked to Centene’s core mission, particularly targeting projects that improve healthcare access, enhance social services, and support educational endeavors. The foundation seeks to invest in local organizations that possess in-depth knowledge of their communities, ensuring efforts are focused on creating sustainable impacts in spheres critical to the well-being of individuals relying on government-sponsored healthcare, as well as addressing broader issues like social determinants of health and health equity.


    Organization's Location
    pariatur id
    Program Location
    Organization Type
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    not specified


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