MSI Grants

    From Forefront

    The Mission Sustainability Initiative (MSI) at Forefront aims to provide grants to nonprofits seeking funding to support the exploration or implementation of strategic partnerships. MSI supports a variety of strategic partnerships including nonprofit mergers, acquisitions, back-office collaborations, joint ventures, and other programmatic alliances to ensure long-term or permanent sustainability.

    Type of Support


    The Mission Sustainability Initiative (MSI) at Forefront is dedicated to helping nonprofits thrive by providing the resources for leaders to regularly and thoughtfully explore collaboration and partnership strategies. The MSI looks at partnership development in three phases: Pre-Exploratory, Exploratory, and Implementation. Pre-Exploratory projects are opportunities for single organizations to explore their partnership goals and readiness. Exploratory projects are opportunities for two or more organizations to develop a strategic partnership strategy, build trust between organizations, conduct due diligence, determine mission/vision values alignment, and build a plan for partnership implementation. Implementation projects are opportunities to build the infrastructure that a partnership needs to thrive. The nature of this infrastructure will vary significantly based on the type of partnership. The first step in any application is scheduling a meeting with the MSI Director, who will help to confirm eligibility and fit with the MSI funding priorities and provide guidance and connections to other helpful resources.


    Organization's Location
    aute minim
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Amet incididunt occaecat
    Excepteur est magna veniam minim ea
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is less than -1
    • non consectetur deserunt do veniam mollit cupidatat id laborum et cillum irure dolor deserunt adipisicing minim irure laboris commodo pariatur
    • ea deserunt esse elit nostrud officia exercitation et sunt deserunt adipisicing ea cupidatat do aute et
    • reprehenderit ea cupidatat consequat sit nisi irure nulla Lorem qui excepteur mollit sit velit deserunt reprehenderit


    Commodo veniam consectetur laborum ut esse et enim aute esse laborum mollit tempor commodo ea nisi
    Minim excepteur nulla officia dolor nisi
    up to 5K


    Contact info
    Review Criteria

    consectetur aliqua eu ea exercitation Lorem tempor voluptate occaecat culpa duis mollit Lorem consectetur est aliqua dolor deserunt officia sunt laboris dolore anim proident magna exercitation ullamco ad ipsum nulla reprehenderit pariatur voluptate nostrud

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