Mitsui U.S.A. Foundation Grant

    The Mitsui U.S.A. Foundation aims to manifest Mitsui USA’s good corporate citizenship by enhancing education and life quality in communities where it operates. This entails backing initiatives that promote education, community welfare, the arts, and culture, including international education and U.S.-Japan exchanges.

    Type of Support


    The grant focuses on supporting over 50 initiatives across the U.S. in four main areas: Education, Community Welfare, Arts & Culture, and Employee Matching & Volunteerism. A significant emphasis is placed on education, particularly in granting college scholarships, facilitating study abroad programs, hosting forums, and funding Japan-specific research. Additionally, about 40% of the foundation's efforts target community welfare projects, especially those aiding disabled individuals, at-risk children, seniors, and initiatives targeting hunger relief.


    Organization's Location
    laboris non
    Program Location
    et proident irure Lorem ex labore quis irure cupidatat minim
    Organization Type
    Occaecat ad amet


    Quis mollit excepteur Lorem
    Sit tempor minim
    Duis irure minim
    Id mollit cillum
    Adipisicing sit esse pariatur eu non quis
    Deserunt cupidatat
    Nulla nisi
    Nulla esse veniam voluptate aliqua
    Velit fugiat dolor laborum
    Dolor in enim nisi deserunt
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    laborum fugiat nulla reprehenderit Lorem commodo deserunt excepteur pariatur nostrud velit ullamco reprehenderit est

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