Foundation for Community & Health Advancement: Impact Grants

From Foundation For Community And Health Advancement

The Foundation for Community & Health Advancement by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona aims to partner with organizations to transform health in Arizona. Its mission is focused on amplifying the impact of these organizations by funding projects related to health improvement, with a particular emphasis on chronic health conditions, health equity, mental health, and substance use disorder.

Type of Support


The grant program from the Foundation for Community & Health Advancement is designed to support Arizona-based organizations engaging in programs or applied research projects that align with the Foundation's focus areas. These areas include combating chronic health conditions by improving access to essential health services, promoting health equity by addressing social determinants of health, enhancing mental health resources and reducing stigma, and tackling substance use disorder through prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts. Additionally, the Foundation commits to supporting a select number of charitable events each year, further contributing to the well-being and health improvement of Arizonans.


Organization's Location
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Review Criteria

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