The Foundation for Community Health (FCH) is dedicated to addressing the living conditions that affect health, well-being, and equity. They focus on strategic and equitable resource allocation to support parts of the community with the greatest needs, ensuring all aspects of the community foster the conditions necessary for health, well-being, and equity.
The Cultivating Health Grant Program from this foundation utilizes a detailed, two-stage application process aimed at identifying and supporting various community health initiatives. Stage 1 involves submitting a letter of inquiry, and if approved, applicants move to Stage 2 to submit a full proposal. For requests at or below $15,000, Stage 1 may suffice as the whole application. The foundation is open to considering proposals initially developed for other funders. This grant program is diverse; it offers both unrestricted and restricted funding, with durations ranging from one year to multi-year commitments. There are no set minimum or maximum grant amounts; funding decisions are based on the initiative's scope in alignment with the foundation's strategic priorities. Focus areas include organizational capacity building, strategic planning, and financial infrastructure improvement among others. The grant aims for clear communication and a high approval rate for applications that align well with its goals.
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