Emerging Philanthropist Grant Program

From The Foundation for Enhancing Communities

The Greater Harrisburg Community Foundation (GHCF) aims to improve area communities by supporting "upstream" solutions that address the root causes of societal issues. Through various grants and funding opportunities, GHCF seeks to empower nonprofit organizations to create lasting, positive social change by tackling problems at their source, rather than merely managing symptoms. By focusing on systemic solutions, GHCF supports a diversity of projects that enhance the quality of education, health, environment, and other critical community needs.

Type of Support


The broad goals of the Emerging Philanthropist Program grant are to support nonprofit organizations that provide health and human services with a focus on food security in specific counties within Pennsylvania. The program emphasizes education and resources for developing local leaders to give back to their community actively. Each year, a specific funding priority guides its grantmaking, with a review process that includes interviews or site visits for selected applicants.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Visit Apply for more information.