The Frist Foundation aims to sustain and improve the quality of life in Nashville, Tennessee, focusing on supporting agencies that serve communities facing challenges and foster collaborative work. Their mission includes increasing organizational capacity, serving more clients, and covering various focus areas such as Arts & Culture, Civic, Food Insecurities, Health Disparities, Human Services, Immigrants & Refugees, Nonprofit Infrastructure, and Unhoused Neighbors.
The Frist Foundation’s grant program is designed to enhance service capacity and ensure organizational sustainability within Nashville. This includes funding for capital needs, development of earned revenue streams, and consulting for strategic planning or financial management. Their technology grant supports agencies in using technology more effectively for collaboration, data collection, and service improvement, notably through the annual support of GeekCause, which pairs Nashville tech experts with nonprofits. Operational grants support significant entities like The Frist Art Museum and several nonprofit infrastructure organizations, although new grants for operating or programmatic expenses are not being made currently.
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