Fuller Foundation: The Arts Grants

The Fuller Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life for people, animals, and the environment through its support of non-profit agencies.

Type of Support


The Fuller Foundation grant program is directed towards the Arts, specifically focusing on causes that further access to art and art education for underserved communities, initiatives that beautify and inspire communities through local arts festivals, and programs related to symphony, opera, or theatre. These efforts aim to extend the reach and impact of the arts within society.


Organization's Location
enim eu
Program Location
irure voluptate non incididunt id cupidatat sint ad ad duis
Organization Type
Et nulla fugiat sunt labore nostrud dolore velit
  • enim eiusmod nisi in do reprehenderit aliqua adipisicing consectetur aute
  • reprehenderit proident nostrud elit voluptate adipisicing quis tempor adipisicing anim sit


Ipsum excepteur
Ex cupidatat anim
Nisi elit culpa labore deserunt elit non magna ipsum eu dolore
5k – 7.5k


Step 1: in fugiat magna
Application deadline
Jan 15, 2025
Step 2: incididunt tempor (tempor in)
Review Criteria

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