Fund for Wild Nature Grant

From Fund for Wild Nature

The Fund for Wild Nature focuses on funding North American campaigns aimed at saving native species and wild ecosystems. They prioritize actions that defend threatened wilderness and biodiversity, supporting advocacy, litigation, public policy work, and related projects that aim to protect the natural world.

Type of Support


The grant program has broad goals of sustaining and promoting biological diversity and ecological integrity. It specifically supports campaigns that aim to save native species and ecosystems, with a focus on defending wilderness areas under threat. The Fund looks for projects that engage in advocacy, litigation, public policy initiatives, and similar efforts, showing a clear strategic value to biodiversity conservation. Projects should have explicit, biocentric objectives, demonstrating how they plan to effect tangible, positive change in the protection of the natural environment. All supported initiatives must prove to be highly cost-effective, indicating that the program values efficiency and impactful results in its funding decisions.


Organization's Location
Canada, USA
Program Location
Canada, USA, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations under the Canadian equivalent tax-exempt status
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than 250k
  • Projects must be clearly and directly connected to organization's priorities, or an explanation of the link must be provided
  • Only one proposal per year per grantee is considered
  • Final reports must be submitted contemporaneously (or early) for organizations applying for a new grant before the one year anniversary of the previous grant


Projects outside Canada or the U.S.A and their territories
Basic scientific research
Private land acquisition
For-profit enterprises
Individual action or study
Organizations receiving ANY government funding or support
Wildlife sanctuaries, wildlife rehabilitation facilities, botanical gardens, learning centers, and habitat restoration efforts
Organizations with annual budgets over U.S. $250,000
Requests for more than $3,000
1k – 3k


Review Criteria

We prioritize environmental concerns that are overlooked and underfunded by the public.