Furthur Foundation

For more than 30 years, the Furthur Foundation has been giving money to progressive groups working on environmental and social change issues in the Bay Area and around the world.

Type of Support


We tend to support smaller, grassroots and community-based organizations whose orientation is to apply the money directly toward realizing their goals.

These range from providing food and shelter to planting trees, from children’s summer recreation programs to activist training camps, from educating about endangered plants to preserving the culture of endangered peoples.

Over the years, the Furthur Foundation has focused on a few simple themes. We care about the planet we live on, so we give to organizations that try to preserve the Earth’s ecosystems. That’s why we support groups saving wolves, forests and dolphins, and groups growing gardens, fighting toxic waste, and greening schools.

We care about the people and communities falling through our country’s social safety net. That’s why we fund organizations giving away food, helping people find jobs, and helping develop the skills that support people and families.   We care about the Bay Area, because, well, this is pretty much our home. And we like people and organizations that try things out, set an example for other organizations, and blaze a trail for a better society.


Organization's Location
est proident
Program Location
velit enim cupidatat velit nostrud minim veniam
Organization Type
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1


1k – 5k


Step 1: exercitation eu
Application deadline
Oct 18, 2024
Step 2: ea veniam (sit velit)
Contact info

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