G. N. Wilcox Trust Grant

From G. N. Wilcox Charitable Trust

The G. N. Wilcox Trust aims to improve the lives of individuals and families in the state of Hawaii, following George Norton Wilcox's legacy as a progressive figure in agriculture, public service, and philanthropy. His contributions were vast, ranging from developing natural resources and essential services on Kauai to significant involvement in religious and educational projects.

Type of Support


The grant program supports a broad spectrum of initiatives aimed at enhancing life in Hawaii across several fields. These include Arts & Culture, Education, Environment, Health, Human Services, Religion, and Community. The overarching goal is to fund programs that align with improving the well-being of Hawaii's residents, honoring Wilcox's diverse interests and dedication to the community's advancement.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Preferred locations: HI (Kauai County), HI, All eligible locations: HI
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Requires 100% Board of Director financial participation
  • Grants confined to organizations within the State of Hawaii
  • Will consider only one request a year from an organization
  • General Operating support usually provided to Kauai organizations with an established relationship
  • General Capital requests are for projects or equipment under $500,000; larger projects may be excluded
  • Prefers to be one of several contributors


For reserve purposes
For endowments
For deficit financing
Multiple-year pledges for programs or capital projects
For the purchase of real estate
Government agencies
Organizations substantially supported by government funds
Organizations that "re-grant" G. N. Wilcox Trust funds
If a prior pledge or report is still outstanding.
not specified


Review Criteria

Assisting organizations on Kauai that serve the island is a top priority.

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